VIDEO TIME! Going Gray Gracefully

Dear Reader-

Aging gracefully? Let’s do it! We’re dishing out advice about transitioning from artificial hair color to your natural gray.


As The Curl Turns

Really Warm Blondes….Tsk Tsk Hairdressers!

Dear Reader-

I was in a waiting room the other day when I was passed by a lovely woman with the most dismaying shade of unnaturally warm blonde hair. Please do not misunderstand I love unnatural shades of hair. I myself sport an ode to Cruella Deville. But bad warm blondes just rub me the wrong way. Especially the very brassy ones. This particular young lady happened to be of Hispanic descent, which means a thicker hair shaft, which means notoriously harder to get light blonde, which means orange/yellow/gold warm blonde when not handled correctly. Handled correctly how you might ask? I’m so glad you did!

1- Realistic Expectations- If your client is clearly not going to get to a nice ashy blonde, or a pretty golden blonde, TELL THEM THAT. Let’s be honest- certain hair textures are clearly harder than others to lift. It may take more than one visit to get your Asian, Italian (me!) or Hispanic client platinum.

2- Toner- Please tone your clients! I do not understand the mentality of not toning bleach blonde clients. Bleach can’t do it all. If our client is yellow or brassy, tone them! Lordy.

3- Highlight- Instead of an all over uncontrolled bleach that may turn out who knows how awful, try highlighting in multiple visits to slowly get them blonde. The hair will be healthier and lighter, and those brassy warm tones won’t be as much of an issue.

Grandma may say look on the sunny side, but As The Curl Turns believes the cooler side is sometimes best.



p.s.- the secret to a great dip? Mix the dip the night before the party. It gives the dry soup mix time to hydrate and absorb into the rest of the creamy ingredients.

VIDEO TIME! Rosie The Riveter Bandana-Tie it!

Dear Reader-

Tying a Rosie bandana can be tricky, and keeping it on can be even trickier. Tune in to see how to keep one on all day.



“Just As Long As It’s Cute”

Dear Reader-

I hear this often at the beauty parlour, and I must say- it makes me giggle a little inside. It is a perfectly natural thing for a client to say of course, they want their hair cute. But the obviousness of the statement sometimes makes me smile a bit wryly. I am in the beauty industry. This is code for the “cute” industry. If I do not make you beautiful, if you leave my chair and you don’t have something cute, I need to change jobs. If I want to give you something ugly, I am a sadist and I need to change jobs. Maybe to something involving patent leather or latex. I digress.

The point is this-cute is the way of the gun. It is the goal of us all, so I will ask you for more details about what you want. You may not know, hence the “cute.” What is that to you? Length, layers, curl, styling, perky ponytails, let’s discuss it all. We will discuss what you don’t like as well, it is all with the same end result in mind. Grandma says babies are cute, women are beautiful. As The Curl Turns absolutely agrees.

Happy Turkey-


p.s-not a turkey fan? There is no rule that says you have to take some when it comes around the table. Make it a Thanksgiving of your favorite sides instead.

James Dean Died 59 Years Ago Today

Dear James-

While other girls had teen idols like Johnny Depp and Kirk Cameron on their walls, I had you. I was thirteen years old when my memorabilia collection began with one t-shirt and a poster, and my father was a bit perplexed. After all, you had been dead for decades already. My father: “You know he’s dead, right?” Me: “Yes, Dad, I know.” I was certainly the only one in my school that had seen your large collection of movies. Oh yes, all three of them. Now the collection has grown into an obsession that includes items under glass and an entire dedicated arm of James Dean tattoos. My husband, who wasn’t my husband at the time, didn’t quite know what to make of my ever growing collection when he first walked into my apartment in college. Hubs: “What’s with the dead guy?” Me: “HEY! He was here before you, alright?!”

So James, here’s to you. Who knows what you could have become had your light not gone out at age 24. Maybe more of a legend, if that’s even possible. Maybe an alcoholic chain smoker with a gambling addiction. No, in my eyes you are perfection and could never have become anything else.

Your Fan

Erin Lopez

As The Curl Turns


I’ve Cut My Hair Off………So Now What?

Dear Reader-

Well! To quote my dear Grandma, now everything!

First of all, congratulations. You have made a decision and stuck to your guns, as they say. You went in and said “I want to cut it off!” and you meant it. But now that it is actually all gone, you have to move on the next step. The Now What.

It may take you longer to style it now that you can’t just throw it up in a ponytail. This is not a bad thing mind you, just different. You will now be forced to experiment with different twists and curls, maybe break out your diffuser if your hair is wavy/curly. Test a wax or pomade for a spiky effect if you have really lobbed it off, or a new way to work your bobby pins if you went for more of a classic bob shape. Any way you cut it (pun intended) it will take some thought and research on your part to get your new look gong in the right direction. You may not be satisfied with just buying a flat iron and calling it a day. ATCT certainly hopes this is the case. We love a good experiment gone beautiful.

Good luck!


p.s-September is Stephen King month on Encore. Stand By Me, Christine…..Classics!