VIDEO TIME! Princess Hair For Halloween!

Dear Reader-

Halloween is almost here! If your child wants to be a princess this year, or any day for that matter, this is the video for you! Princes bun? Check. Princess bun with braid? Check. Elsa/Anna braid? Check. Goofy hairstylists doling out hair advice? Check.

Best Regards,

As The Curl Turns

p.s-  If you want to make some Halloween baked goods but don’t want all that butter, try substituting applesauce for the butter.

VIDEO TIME! Seasonal Hair Color

Dear Reader-

Blonde in the summer, dark in the winter are we? If you like to transition your hair color according to the season, this video is for you. Hair safety is our number one priority, and we tell you here how to achieve your best results.

Warm Regards,


VIDEO TIME! Going Gray Gracefully

Dear Reader-

Aging gracefully? Let’s do it! We’re dishing out advice about transitioning from artificial hair color to your natural gray.


As The Curl Turns

No Pin Updo- A How To

Dear Reader-

Updos come in all shapes and sizes, be still my beating heart. But they do not all require pins. This particular updo requires only a needle and thread. It is quite speedy, which is nice when time is of the essence during a wedding or group event. We have all had head counts or time frames change on a dime!

First, set the hair as usual. Take the set out and loosen/brush the big loose curls with the tail of a rattail comb. Spritz with hairspray and don’t be shy. The curls need to be firm.


You may need about 6 feet of doubled over thread, so three feet of useable thread. I used regular thread here, but embroidery thread works well too. A curved extensions needle works as well as a straight one. Tie a knot around a curl starting on one side of the head and start sewing, in and out and around the curls.


Up, down, in and around with the thread. Gather the hair as you like it and sew!


Once you are all the way through to the other side, tie off the thread, and viola!


A nice, loose looking but totally secure romantic updo that will last. Shellac and you are done! And without a single pin. Grandma may say there is more than one way to bake a cake, and As The Curl Turns agrees.



p.s- martinis becoming too warm too fast? Try a smaller martini glass. Those big glasses may look cool, but they lose their cool quickly.

A New Year’s Resolution Kept!

Dear Reader-

Glamour Up! was my New Year’s Resolution advice for 2015. Even if it is only once a month for something nondescript. I wanted you all to know that I take my own advice and try to walk the walk as much s possible. I attend Bingo at the local Elks lodge once a month, and I utilize this opportunity to gussy up once in a while. I went last night and I wore vintage mink and heels. Yes, I said mink. I was definitely the most overdressed person there by far, and I will tell you this, my dear readers. I was the best dressed one there as well.

So- even if you feel a bit self conscious about being over dressed, let me say this: you will clearly be the better looking of all your peers, so who cares?! Grandma always said there is an outfit for every occasion, but As The Curl Turns believes there is a better version of that outfit to be had as well.




p.s- Is your dog’s stomach on the fritz? Try a plain baked potato.

Christmas Tree Hair Accessory-DIY

Dear Reader-

This hair accessory, like some of my others, is not for the faint of heart. You will be wearing a Christmas tree in your hair. Literally. If you are ok with that, then let’s get started!

First, I had to find a tree small enough. What an odyssey that was. Of course manufacturers of these little hobby trees are making them for home display, or office holiday cheer. Not hair. So I bought the smallest one I could possibly find, and disassembled it. It had a cement stand!


Then I had to use wire cutters to dismember the poor thing. It was far too heavy. I needed fewer limbs and a flat back so I could lay it on some felt, and ultimately, on my head.. It took two different types of wire cutters to get through this bad boy! It needed to be thinned out, A LOT.


Once that was done, I could start decorating. First to be added were the ornaments. I tied them on, one by one, strategically placed.


Then came the lights. I couldn’t find dollhouse lights that had a battery pack light enough for my hair to support the weight, so unfortunately, they don’t actually light up. Disappointment.


And what is a tree without gifts? I laid the tree to the felt and glued the gifts onto the felt and the bottom of the tree.


Cut the felt, add the duckbill hair clip, and it’s done! I could not find a small enough angel for the top, another item for the search- along with working lights. Now you have to decide how you will wear your hair to best accent (and support) your newest accessory.


Now, be prepared to take a bit of blowback from your friends and passerby. You are after all, taking a fashion chance by wearing this piece of glory. Others of a lesser station may feel the need to say something snippy about your choice of accoutrement. Just tell this riffraff that you love your style and will never compromise. Period.

Merry Christmas Crafties!


p.s- don’t forget to at least tidy up your living room before leaving the house this holiday season. You never know who may be dropping by with good tidings.

Pumpkin Pie Hair Accessory, DIY

Dear Reader-

I have been asked many times about my unconventional hair accessories. The coffin, the vegetables, the party umbrellas….how did I make them? So when I went to start my latest project, pumpkin pie, I took notes.

The idea came from one of my clients, as we were discussing what food (fake food that is) I could use for my Thanksgiving accessory. I couldn’t find a fake turkey leg to save my life, so my client said “hey, pumpkin pie!” Oh yes.

Two types of felt, a pie tin, craft foam, fake whipped cream, (thanks to Etsy) and I am on my way.


Now for the “crust.” I cut the edges wavy and glued it to the pie tin as if I had laid in an actual crust. I then added the foam inside.


Now to add the “pumpkin” overlay.


Can’t forget the whipped cream! Just a few dollops.


Now the hard part- how to attach it to my hair??? My usual duckbill clip won’t work because the bottom of the pie tin is totally flat. It will be lifted on that side if I use one of these.


So I decide to go just with bobby pins, which is as flat as I can get.


Done! In and secure.




Eat dessert first,



I’ve Cut My Hair Off………So Now What?

Dear Reader-

Well! To quote my dear Grandma, now everything!

First of all, congratulations. You have made a decision and stuck to your guns, as they say. You went in and said “I want to cut it off!” and you meant it. But now that it is actually all gone, you have to move on the next step. The Now What.

It may take you longer to style it now that you can’t just throw it up in a ponytail. This is not a bad thing mind you, just different. You will now be forced to experiment with different twists and curls, maybe break out your diffuser if your hair is wavy/curly. Test a wax or pomade for a spiky effect if you have really lobbed it off, or a new way to work your bobby pins if you went for more of a classic bob shape. Any way you cut it (pun intended) it will take some thought and research on your part to get your new look gong in the right direction. You may not be satisfied with just buying a flat iron and calling it a day. ATCT certainly hopes this is the case. We love a good experiment gone beautiful.

Good luck!


p.s-September is Stephen King month on Encore. Stand By Me, Christine…..Classics!